Sunday, September 15, 2013

We can change the world (at Garfield) in 2 hours!

The Whole Foods Event was a HUGE success!  We had over 70 volunteers from the community who came together to build 16 garden bed frames.  8 of those will become Garfield's garden beds and 8 will go to a variety of community gardens throughout Boise!  (ALL DONE IN 2 HOURS)   First the sod was to come up......we quickly realized we need extra sod cutters to get the job done.  Thanks to Tates Rents for quickly delivering 2 additional sod cutters.  Then the sod had to be rolled up and stacked for removal.  Thanks to the Boise School District for removing the sod rolls.  Now it was time for top soil to be added to even out our garden surface.  While this HARD work was going on...we had many teams of volunteers building the frames.  WOW! The garden beds were ready to be placed in the space.  OOPS...the line wasn't even.  Out came the sod cutter for one last cut to even out the line of garden space. :)  Beds were carefully placed and then came the mulch.  Mulch was placed around the beds to provided a needed walkway between each bed.  Thanks to Boise City for donating the mulch.  The remaining top soil was placed in the boxes.  We still had time to the volunteers help cleanup from the event. WOW!  We did it!Garfield is so very fortunate to be a recipient of such wonderful work!  We thank the the many volunteers from the community, Whole Foods, our parents, students and a group of volunteers from ISU Pharmacy Dept.   HUGE THANKS TO MATT COLLINS from Whole Foods, ERIN GUERRICABEITIA from BUGS, and AMY STAHL from the City of Boise--without your amazing work this event would have never been such a success! 


 we wait until the spring to prepare our beds and plant!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for gardening at Garfield!!! So excited to see it come to life this spring!
